Romanian version


Main results include:

From the Breeding Department:

- 478 varieties and hybrids released during the period 1957 - 2004, as a result of the breeding work at NARDI Fundulea and at the stations coordinated by ARDI (List of released cultivars).
- Pre-basis or parental lines seed of cultivars released by NARDI and its stations in small grains, grain legumes, maize, industrial and forage crops.
- Data on genetic control on several traits that are important for breeding in wheat, maize, sunflower, soybean and linseed.
- A set of interspecific substitutions lines for individual chromosomes, obtained by chromosome manipulation in wheat.
- Genetic stocks for identification and localization on chromosomes of genes controlling grain size and other correlated traits in wheat.
- Recombinant lines for individual chromosome pairs in wheat.
- Pre-breeding lines bred by interspecific introgression in wheat.
- Improved breeding methods based on genetic studies in maize.
- Identification of favorable single alleles in maize and their use in hybrid combinations.
- Use of diagnosis method for estimating parental line genetic diversity and their framing into heterotic groups in maize.
- Efficient regeneration systems by somatic embryogenesis in wheat, sunflower and maize.
- Data on androgenetic response of local wheat and triticale germplasm.
- Improved methods and routine use of wheat x maize and cultivated barley x H. bulbosum crosses for obtaining haploid and doubled haploid lines in wheat and barley respectively.
- Data on physiological control of resistance/tolerance of several crops to temperature and water stresses and elaboration of new selection indices.
- Data on correlation between gluteninic subunits and breadmaking quality in wheat and triticale.
- Evaluation of forage quality based on total polycarbolic acids content.
- Improved seed multiplication techniques.

From the crop Management Department:

- Simulation model of nitrogen and atrazine dynamics on soil profile, in wheat and maize grown on cambic chernozem.
- Data on influence of aluminium ions on root physiology and morphology in maize and sunflower.
- Improved modules for growth and development for CERES - wheat, CERES - maize and STICS simulation models.
- Local parameters for conversion of teledetection data applied in agriculture.
- Data on the evolution of agrochemicals indices and soil yielding potential under the long-term influence of fertilizers and crop rotation.
- Reduced tillage crop management systems for maize and sunflower.
- Improved crop management system for alfalfa.
- Improved low-input crop management systems for alfalfa - perennial grasses mixtures.
- Data on the effect of foliar fertilizers in wheat, maize, soybean and sunflower.
- Annually revised recommendations of crop management systems in cereals, industrial and forage crops, including low-input systems.
- Data on ecological farming systems and elaboration of principles and measures for ecological plant protection.
- Data on main pests and diseases incidence and evolution in cereals, industrial and forage crops.
- Prognosis and treatment warning methods for sunnpests (Eurygaster sp.) in wheat.
- Prognosis and treatment warning methods for diseases in small grains.
- Data on the use of male sterility inducing mutagenesis in biological control of European Corn Borer (Ostrinia).
- ECB resistant maize germplasm.
- Resistance/tolerance genetic sources for use in breeding for reduced disease impact in cereals, industrial and forage crops.
- Data on the use of synthetic sexual pheromones for prognosis and warning of stage development in some pests.
- Data on efficiency of new phytosanitary products.
- Improved systems for seed and soil-born disease control.
- Improved systems for soil pests control.
- Methods for pest control and protection of pollinators in rape and alfalfa for seed production.

Development and Extension activities

- Demonstrative plots with new cultivars and improved crop management systems;
- Folders and booklets on new cultivars and crop management systems;
- Field days for the main crops;
- Training courses for farmers and extensionists;
- Basic seed for introducing new cultivars into farms.